August 23, 2008

The World of Forex Trading

Since internet connection presently is fast with more people having broadband connections, you can make your Forex trading online at your own free time, regardless of your location at real time. There are online brokers that can give you online tools to help you study the financial market. You can get real-time quotes, new feeds, and a lot more of much needed information.
Forex trading market deals with more than US$2 trillion everyday. It has become favorite option for currency traders. Foreign exchange market is extremely different from stock exchange market. Currency trading is always done in pairs like USD/EUR or USD/GBP etc. Forex trading market works 24 hour.
Online foreign exchange trading is usually done through a trading platform. These platforms provide background information on the forex market, training, and support. Experts are also available for consultation at any time of day. These experts share what they know about the market so all traders who invest and play in the online forex trading market can be assured of expert support.
Some of the available online forex trading platforms may even assign an account service manager to take care of your trading activities. These account service managers may be reached via email, phone, or other forms of online communication

August 18, 2008

Currency Trading Tutorial - Forex For Beginners

What Is A Currency Pair?

A currency pair refers to the two currencies that are involved in a foreign exchange trade. For example, if you want to buy the Japanese Yen using U.S. Dollars, you would look at the quoted price for the USD/JPY currency pair (USD = U.S. Dollar; JPY = Japanese Yen).

Basically, the currency pair you should be looking at depends on the currencies you wish to trade in.

What Is A Base Currency?

A base currency is the currency that is first mentioned in a currency pair. In the USD/JPY currency pair for example, the base currency is the USD. In the EUR/USD currency pair (EUR = Euros), the base currency is EUR.

The base currency is the currency with which the quoted price refers to. For example, the quote USD/JPY 110.00 means that one unit of the base currency (i.e. USD) is worth 110.00 JPY.

To clarify, here's another example: EUR/USD 1.4600.

This means that 1 unit of EUR is worth 1.4600 units of USD. To buy 1 EUR, you'll need to trade in 1.4600 USD (i.e. sell 1.4600 USD).

What Are Bid And Ask Prices?

The base currency is traded at 2 different prices at any one time, depending on whether you want to buy or sell it. For example, if you want to sell the USD/JPY currency pair (i.e. sell the USD and buy JPY), you'll receive 110.00 JPY. However, if you want to buy the USD/JPY pair, you may need to pay 110.03 JPY.

Notice how the buying price is higher than the selling price. This difference between the buy and sell price is known as the 'spread'. If you first buy a currency pair and then immediately sell it, you'll incur a loss equal to the spread.

The spread is what you pay to your broker as transaction fees.

August 15, 2008

Getting Started In Forex - The Proven Best Strategy For Getting Started In Forex

The proven strategy for getting started in Forex trading - thousands of people every year get started in Forex trading. Thousands of people new to Forex trading every year make critical mistakes because they've cut corners and not followed the best strategy for getting started in Forex. This article will discuss the best proven strategy for getting started in Forex - what you need to do and what you have to know. Keep reading to get a FREE Forex trading lesson plus access to a $100,000.00 Forex demo account to get you getting started in Forex.
Getting Started in Forex Strategy One - when you are getting started in Forex trading it's important to a realistic Forex trading strategy. To do this you need to know (and stick to how much money you are willing to risk.
Getting Started in Forex Strategy Two - when you are getting started in Forex trading it's important to choose the best Forex trader. It is an ABSOLUTE MUST that your Forex broker is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Getting Started in Forex Strategy Three - when you are getting started in Forex trading be sure to have access to the most up to date and most important Forex tools to help you getting started in Forex. Various brokers have access to various tools. Only choose a Forex broker that has the best and most up to date Forex tools at his fingertips. The more access to Forex information that he has the better your chance at winning Forex trades.
Getting Started In Forex Strategy Four - getting started in Forex trading involves learning two different ways of Forex trading (technical and fundamental) and becoming as efficient as you possible can in the Forex trading strategy that works best for you.
Getting Started In Forex Strategy Five - when getting started in Forex trading it's absolutely critical that you build a solid Forex foundation with a comprehensive understanding of the basic building blocks. Taking shortcuts here is not an option and will only result in Forex losses.
Getting Started In Forex Strategy Six - every Forex trader, even ones not getting started in Forex trading, should have a reasonable understanding of interest rates, international trade and the economy in order to predict movements in the current market.
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